Saturday, April 17, 2010

Realm of Possibilities

So, I’m coming to the end of my Senior year of high school, and I find myself feeling excited and extremely scared. Well, scared isn’t the correct word. I guess Anxious would be more exact. It’s like I’m at the precipice of complete freedom and ready to jump, but something is keeping me safe on the ground.

Which is cool and everything, I mean who wants to jump off a cliff and hit the ground, but maybe, just maybe I have a glider on my back and if i jump I could experience what it means to fly. Is it worth the jump?

Sometimes I want complete freedom. The freedom to make my own decisions, to live like I want to live, to go out and reach all my goals, but something keeps me back. it’s not the fear of the responsibilities like most adults think it is. I have no problem taking those on. I think it’s the fear of the unknown. No…

I guess it’s like that quote that everyone loves to put in movies. “Your biggest fear isn’t the fear of being inadequate, but that you are more powerful beyond measure.”

I’d say for that’s a big yes. Not to sound cocky, but I have been given many “gifts”. I’m talented in almost everything I do, so when people give me the advice of, “find something you love to do and go for it” doesn’t really help me. Cause, like any other normal human being you love to do what your good at.

Like, I’m not just “good” at things I excel at them. So, if I’m good in so many things what do I do? Yeah, I know, “Poor you, Miss I have more talent than I know what to do with. I feel really sorry for you.”

I know. I’ve heard it all before, but honestly I wish I knew which thing to pick. Because I enjoy doing all those things, but I don’t “love” any one of them.

My youth pastor asked us the other day, “When you think of one thing that is your thing, what is it? When other people look at you, what do they say is the thing you do?”

Well, depending on what other people know me for, they give me different answers. My parents say music. My friends say videos/film. Others say basketball. Teachers say writing.  People I meet say I’m really funny, like stand up comic funny. It just depends. So, where’s my place in this world? I’m good at so many things, it’s like if I wasn’t good at anything. I wouldn’t know where I’d stand.

I’m not wanting to lose my “gifts”, nor do I want to find the ONE thing I can do for the rest of my life. I want to know why I was given all these talents and gifts, and what God wants me to do with all of them. There has got to be a reason.

Recently I made the decision to follow after God in the form of missions. Now, I don’t know if that means becoming a Missionary that travels the world, or a missionary to the people I’m around. Either way, it was just a declaration of giving my life completely to God. Every day of my life. Every thought. Every action. EVERTHING.

It’s funny. Nothing has “changed” per say. i mean, I’m not in a new city. I’m not in a foreign country. I’m not even out of high school. so superficially it seems that nothing has changed, but with that one action EVERYTHING has changed.

I feel like I opened the door of my life to God, and He’s leading me toward the precipice and not given me a glider but wings.

So, why do I feel stuck? I don’t know. I guess it’s the final countdown. He’s letting me finish what I’ve started here in this house, in this school, in this state of mind, and He’s getting me ready to let go.

Let go of all my doubts, and worries. All my anxious thoughts, all of my cares and desires. Everything. So, He can give me everything I’ve ever wanted.

I don’t know if that means marriage, or graduating from college. I have no clue, but I’m sure whatever it turns out to be it’ll be beyond my wildest dreams.

I can imagine what my life will be like 5 years from now, but I don’t see the accomplishments or my personal victories. When I see “myself” 5 years from now, I don’t see ME. I see Him. I see Him in every aspect of my life. I see Him in my heart, mind, soul. I see Him in every word, action, smile. I see myself talking to Him about everything. All my wants and needs.  I see Him leading me to the Man I will marry. I see myself trusting Him even if I don’t ever get married. I see myself doing His work. I see myself dying for Him, happily joyously. I see myself seeing Him. That’s what I see.

It gets me excited. I want to jump now, but it’s not time. Not yet. It’s all in His good timing. I just have to be patient, and enjoy the ride of my lifetime.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The One I love

May he love you, oh Lord, today.

Anyone he meets may they see You in him.

Ready his spirit, oh Lord, against the evil one.

Keep him under your banner of protection, and let no one or thing bring him harm.

Everyday let him know you more.

With an able heart let him work after you.

In everything he does may it be to your glory.

Lead him in the right way and from evil.

Let him seek you in all that he does.

In anything that happens let him praise you.

All the day, may he depend on you.

May his family guard him and protect him throughout his day.

Send someone today to show him Your love.