Saturday, August 8, 2009


So, the past 3 days at my church have been what's called X-week. It was amazing! I had such a great time! and not just the whole spending time with my friends. I loved just being with people who were worshiping God all at the same time. The energy was amazing! Usually, i feel like i'm on display during our worship, so i usually don't raise my hands. i don't want to attract attention to myself and take away from someone else's worship, but when I was there the past few days I felt like I was completely alone with God. I was surrounded by over a hundred people, but I felt completely alone with my Creator. It was a marvelous feeling. The intimacy, the closeness, the utter nakedness (not literally, that would be weird) of it all. It was like nothing I have ever experienced. It was absolutely miraculous. I felt completely free to pray, to sing, to clap, to dance, to raise my hands, to cry, to scream, to do anything that I needed to commune with my Father. Even after the worship was over the message was so powerful. It was about just being Still and knowing He is God. On Thursday after the first service on Wednesday, I found myself craving that closeness with God. I found small times throughout the day just to talk to Him, just to be like, "Hey, You're God! and You're Amazing! You give me breathe, you give me sight, legs to walk on, you make me whole."
What was even more interesting, I was sitting next to my best friends, and a guy who I wish could be a close friend, and It was like they weren't there, but we were somehow connected. Not just them, but all the believers in that room. I could feel the presence of God, just like when He spoke to me in that room just a little over a year and a half ago. The same intimacy. It was AMAZING! I hope all of you who read this feels the presence of God like that at least once in your life. If you do, You'll never want to be separate from Him ever again!