Friday, February 11, 2011

Make War for Love

I know that sounds like a weird title compared to the popular slogan "Make Love not War", but when we think about this from a Christian perspective the title really is more what we should be aiming for not the world's slogan. It may seem like a contradictory statement, but it's not.
Ephesians makes it really clear that we are in a spiritual battle. "For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.  Against spiritual wickedness in high places."
As Christians we also know that Satan is "like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour", meaning he is not our ally, but our sworn enemy. And we also know that this war is not for land, not for wealth, or even reputation, but for souls. So, when we look at our main purpose as Christians we can see is that we are to bring Him Glory. That's what we were made for and we do this, through our praise, our worship, our thanks, and by the way we live our lives.
I'm learning in my Brit Lit course about King Arthur and his knights.The main purpose for the codes of chivalry were not to be outstanding knights for the sake of being an outstanding knight, but because the way in which a knight conducts himself reflected upon his king. It's the same in our battle, but with a little more at stake. Not only do we reflect our Lord through our actions, but also our actions, the way we prepare, equip or carry out our duty can determine how we can respond in the future. If we don't stay in constant pray and in the Word so that we may be ready for battle "in the evil day, and having done all to stand". We will fall, and we will fall in such a way that can hinder us for a long time after wards. We will not be defeated, but because of our mistake, because we did not take care of our responsiblity, we let opportunities that we could have done God's work pass us by. And because of this sometimes, a person can miss their last opportunity for someone to reach out to them, or their sufferings can be prolonged, because we did not do what the Lord had for us to do. Sometimes, He simply gives the priveledge and honor to someone else, and we miss out on the blessing of living our faith and seeing the fruits of our labor.
This is what I find myself thinking, contemplating and praying over. I don't want to miss the opportunities that the Lord has for me. I have already missed so many, and I don't want to get to heaven someday and know that there should have been thousands more, hundreds, tens or even one person who could have been their if I had taken care of the responsiblity that was entrusted to me.
This kinda reminds me of the parable of the talents. Jesus gave different servants a different number of talents, but at the end the one who didn't do anything to multiply his wealth was rebuked and his privilege was given to another. I don't want to be that lazy servant who does nothing with what the Lord has blessed me with. I want to be the good servant that the Lord keeps pouring out His privilege to, who God pours out His blessing to. The one on the day I see Him that He says to, "Well, done my good and faithful servant."
That's the one I want to be. I want to know that I made the most of this precious life that He's given me. So, in turn I will make War against the evils of this world, the evil one and all his followers, so that those who do not know the Lord can have many opportunities to see His face, feel His love and know His healing. 
I will make war that they may one day feel His love.
I will make war through my prayers.
I will make war through the standard at which I conduct my life.
I will make war by the words that I speak in gentleness and truth.
I will make war by the way I love.
I will Make War for Love.
the Love of a Father,
and Lord.
I will make war for the one who made war for me, and who can give you the Love you've been to afraid to ask for and have only dreamt of.
I will make War for Love.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Failures of the Heart

Do you ever have those days where it seems you fail as often as you breath? Today was one of those days for me. I feel I was the most honest with people about what I believe and tried to be encouraging, but I need to realize that not everyone wants me to volunteer my opinion. Maybe, it should be that if you don't want commentary then you shouldn't say anything, but either way, I have to realize even though that's how it should be, it doesn't mean that's how its going to be.
If we were all what we "should" be we wouldn't have any problems. We would all be in essence perfect, but it is self-evident that as human beings we aren't. Today, I found myself saying over and over again, "Just shut up." I got tired of hearing myself talk, so I knew it probably weighed on those around me. They already know that I don't like watching movie with fornication in it, or adultery. In fact, I pretty much point out whatever is wrong with a movie. Perhaps, that's a good thing. Perhaps, that's something they wouldn't hear if I wasn't around, but sometimes I think I become that "noisy gong" or "clanging cymbal". I'm so passionate. I'm so vocal. I'm so honest and blunt that it is expected from me. So many people begin to write off what I say before I even utter a word. Sometimes, they even look at me like "What are you going to say now?" It's funny, or ironic that they talk about the same subjects around me. The one's they don't want my opinion about, or the one's they already know my opinion about and get angry when I restate the opinion that I have already told them. I could say, "Well, then don't talk about that around me", but I feel as though I need to learn some self-control in that area. I honestly, don't know. I'm so passionately against many of the things they love to revel in and dwell on that I can't remain silent. It's like I think if I tell them enough, they'll understand. If I yell it louder they'll finally hear me and run away from the one thing that will hurt them deeper than my words ever could.
Sometimes, I know the path their on will lead them to destruction, pain, sorrow, grief, loneliness, sin, emptiness and darkness, but there is nothing I can say that will lead them away from it. They have chosen that path and it is theirs to walk. Sometimes, I have to remember that I can't do anything about it, only God can. It's a hard reality, because some people no matter how loud you shout, how patient you are, no matter how much love you show them or understanding they will never turn away from the very things that harm them. They continue to go after the things that will only destroy them. It's horrible to think of. It breaks my heart.
There is one girl in my dorm who doesn't even realize she's bought into a false definition of love. She surrounds herself with it, dreams about a knight in shining armor, or lustful passions that will lead her to her soul-mate, when all the love she could ever want is found in her Saviour. What's worse is that last semester she came to me after a worship service and asked me to pray with her about "falling in love with Jesus". When she came up to me, and I prayed with her I knew it could be hers for the taking, but I was afraid she would just turn from the very thing she said she wanted. I'm saddened to say that I was right. Maybe, it was my doubt that contributed to this situation. Maybe, it has nothing to do with me. I don't know.
But I do know, that I thought we would be best friends. I thought her love for the Lord would help her shine in all aspects of her life for the Lord. I thought she would be a sister in the mission field. Now, I'm left wondering if she ever knew Him. I wonder if she has ever experienced the love of the Father. I wonder if in a few years, she will even be concerned with the Kingdom and the King's business.
I know you can't tell if someone is saved by what they don't do, but she doesn't bare much fruit, which is a scary thought. Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruit." Right now, I can't tell if she is His or not. Honestly, I see more Jesus in my old roommate everyday in the smallest ways than I see in this friend I speak of. And my old roommate just met the Lord last semester. As wonderful as it is to see my old roommate delivered from so many of her past chains and learning to let go of the others, I can't help but see the girl I thought would be one of my strongest allies just sitting, stagnate, blind to the suffering around her and to caught up in her own fantasies to see what the Lord is laying before her.
It saddens me to know that this girl, whom I loved so quickly, shared so much of my heart and past with, I can't even stand to be in the same room with sometimes. Sometimes, her words, not even meant for me, cut deep into my spirit. The immaturity in which she deals with certain situations weighs on my heart, and the knowledge that we were once so close and perhaps never will be again is almost to much for me to bare. Some of the things I shared with her I hadn't even shared with my closest sisters, and now there is a derision, a chasym that can't be crossed between us.
When I'm around her, I find my deepest flaws seem to be displayed or under a microscope. I'm no longer used to the small rebukes I have received my whole life. When I'm around them and I speak, it's so different then the way they talk that I feel as though I'm standing all alone in a crowded room. I don't feel as though I am with allies but with enemies. Instead of fighting with them, I feel as though I am up against them.
These are the people I was talking about when I said last semester, "These 'Christians', these people who are supposed to be my brothers and sisters, are the very ones who reject me every day of my life." and I don't know if it be because they don't know him, or if they are to comfortable in their worldly lifestyle that they don't want to let it go.
I'm afraid that I am losing yet another friend. One who I have loved more, and held closer than even this girl I have talked about. It all started with a difference in opinion, and is escalating to me wanting to push her away, because I don't want to see the inevitable outcome of her decision. I pray it doesn't happen, but I fear she has heard the Lord, and done exactly the opposite. I pray I am wrong. I'd gladly eat my words if it meant she didn't have to suffer. If she didn't have to feel the pain, I believe she will, but to many times I wish to see myself proven wrong and then I find out I was right. What's worse is when I warn the people I love what will happen they get angry at me and then one day come to me in tears saying, "Why didn't i listen to you? you were right."
How many times have I come before my Lord saying the same thing. How many times have I felt that pain. I know my gift of discernment and wisdom is to be shared so others don't have to share in my pain, but sometimes just like me they have to learn for themselves. I pray the Lord just give them a short leash.
In all these situations, I feel as though the majority of it is my fault. Maybe if I had listened more, been more understanding, encouraging, gentle and less harsh or overbearing. Maybe, if i didn't come off like I know everything. Maybe if I was more humble they would be willing to hear my warnings. There is so much I wish I could have done differently, because I am in the habit of just doing something without be transparent enough for them to see my intentions/motivations and not just a harsh opinion "shoved down their throats". That's one thing I hate that I do. I don't mean to do it, but so many times I come across that way.
All I can do is learn from my past mistakes and pray to the Lord to give me the strength to change in the future. I can't do anything about the past, but learn from it. I hope that I can do at least this, because then maybe the knowledge and wisdom that the Lord has blessed me with (one of the few good aspects of my personality) will be used as He intended not wasted as they have been.
Pray for me. I most definitely need it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I sit here at 12:05 in the morning writing this blog and I can't help but be nostalgic. The memories of my incredibly horrible, wonderful, beautiful, sometimes horrific past plays through my mind and in my ears in the form of the music that helped to shape and change my life. People are always asking me what my favorite music is, and I can never really give them an answer, because the music that I love are tied to specific times in my life. The music that was my heart's cry in the middle of the night in the depths of my despair, the reflection of my agony, the beauty of the coming dawn, the songs of my soul, the praise of my mouth, the worship that I poured out to my saviour on the best days and the worst nights of my life.
As I sit and think about it, my teary eyes feel as though they will overflow with the joys and sorrows of my blessed life. So many people wish to escape pain, and I don't blame them. Pain sucks. I wish I hadn't had to live through it or have made so many mistakes, but I look back and I may regret the things I did and the consequences but I don't regret the outcome. What Satan meant for evil the Lord used for good. When I thought i could no longer be used and i was useless, worthless the Lord kept the promise i made to Him and choses to use me.
I don't understand why He would be pleased to use me. I honestly don't. Sometimes I feel as though i want nothing more to die, because that's all i deserve. Who am I to experience the joy of breath filling my lungs, or my heart rhythmically beating in my chest? Who am I receive the privilege of loving someone? Who am I to be loved? Who am I?
Who am I to be saved from my past and my future before life has even begun? So many people talk about God's will and the difference between it and His perfect will, and how He just allows bad things to happen sometimes. But they rarely think of the things He  DOESN'T allow to happen. Things that He says, "NO!" and pulls us back in. We so many time focus on the things He lets "slip by" and never about the things He keeps from us. He kept my mom from dying when I was born. He kept me from having to know the pain of an abusive father, the sting alcohol can make on a family, the addiction of drugs, the harshness of the streets, never knowing what love from a father looks like, and so many other things in my life. Yes, He let me make some pretty horrible decisions and the consequences of them, but He did not leave me to rot on my own. No, my heavenly father discipline/disciplines me for them because...why?... HE LOVES ME!
I look at my horrible deeds that could have destroyed my life from the inside out and know that I am worthy of such a Divine Lover, Father, Friend, Saviour, King and Lord, but know that despite the fact that I am unworthy to call upon His name, look upon His face, hear His beautiful voice and talk to Him, He wants those things from me.
My heart if it could experience the full weight of this amazing concept at once, would burst inside my chest. I would fall on my face and never see or look up again. I would be in beautiful sorrowful joyous agony before the one who loves me so completely wholly and definitively, and be content to never see the light of day or another moment of life again.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but I honestly don't understand how people can grow up hearing the "facts about Jesus" and not understand what He has done. The true sacrifice, the pain, the love He shared for us on the cross. I don't understand how they can say, "Oh, it was my parent's faith, but now its mine."
My faith has ALWAYS been by faith, even when I was only four. I don't understand how someone who hears the Word could think its just a collection of letters and concepts that have no meaning, or a meaning that is "just not for them." I don't understand. Those who hear the gospel and truly HEAR the gospel react one of two ways, they run to it and lay down all their burdens or they run screaming away in anger and fear.
The only people I know who don't react these two ways usually haven't really listened to the gospel. They've heard the words, but they haven't taken it in and asked what does this really mean.
It saddens me, because one day I'll get to heaven and look around and expect to see hundreds, thousands, millions more "christians" and they will be among those whom the Lord has said, "Depart from me you doer of iniquity for I never knew you."
Now, I've thought about this often, and my main prayer is that through my life the Lord will say to me, "Well, done Good and faithful servant." But more than that, I pray, beg, fall on my face and ask Him to give me opportunities to serve Him. I pray that my eyes will be opened to the opportunities before me that I may be a good stewart of what He's given me, that I will enact my plea to serve my Lord. I pray that the Lord find favor in me so that I can carry out His will. I pray that the Lord will strengthen my weary, weak flesh to have the courage to do everything I ask of Him, because I can't do this on my own.
I can't tell you how much that verse grieves my soul, and how many prayers I have lifted up for my fellow Christian brothers and sisters and those who don't know Him but think they do. I pray that my brothers and sisters will shine for the Lord and truly be the light. That they stay strong in their race and keep on when trials befall them. I pray for those who don't know Him to be touched by the Lord and that they will realize who He really is. I pray that not another day goes by without them experiencing His mighty Glory personally.
I'll never forget when this concept hit home. My sister Juji, thought for 18 years of her life that she was saved and knew the Lord, and it wasn't until she finally met Him that she realized she hadn't. I'll never forget I was sitting in a dark room with her at a church retreat weekend and she was pouring out her heart to me, telling me how she couldn't let go of something in her past. I kept asking her, why? why can't you let go?
"I don't know. I just can't. I know I'm supposed to give it to God, but I just can't. I pray, but its like He doesn't answer."
It was the hardest question I ever had to ask her, but I knew I had to.
"Well, are you sure you know the Lord?"
We were both in tears as she uttered her next phrase.
"I don't know."
The sorrow that filled my soul that night. I prayed for her. I prayed that the Lord would reveal Himself to her. It wasn't until about a year ago that she realized that was the night she first met Christ. It wasn't until now that we both realized that God was using me to lead her to the Lord, and to disciple her the next coming years. I got the honor to see one come to the Lord, but there are countless others who are just like she was. I pray that they come to know Him like she did.
But its true that the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few, because many who think they are the workers are really the ones who need to be watered and harvested.
Please, I urge you my brother or sister who reads this, if you are a Christ follower pray for those around you who don't know Him. I forget to lift them up in prayer, as well, but I hope that we together can remember to pray for them, and then act out the opportunities that the Lord sets before us as His children.
Go in peace.
Go in strength.
Go in love.
Go in hope.
Go in courage.
Go in perseverance.
but most of all Go in joy, for you know our battle is won, the harvest is ready and its in only there for the taking. Our blessing will be increase, if we are willing to just take the first step to follow after the calling of the Lord. I'm not talking about the earthly blessings of wealth, status or property. I'm talking about the eternal blessings that we will see in heaven. Who we will walk amongst. Who we will see free from all their pain, sorrow, agony, burdens, and misery of this life. We will see them made complete, and know that we had the honor, the privilege to usher them into heavens gates, side by side, arm in arm for an eternity.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Beware of Christians

So, I know what your thinking. Beware of Christians? let me explain:
It's a wonderful new movie, more like a testimony set to moving pictures, that 4 years made about a year and half ago. It talks about all the preconceived notions that "Christians" have about our religion. And yes, I use quotes and the word "religion" for a reason. They are talking about the thousands of people who fill American churches and churches all around the world who think they know the Lord, but honestly do not know what they are founded on. They are talking about all the people who think they know how to do the "Christian" thing, go to all the bible studies, say the right things, pray the right prayer and still have no idea about who it is they are supposed to be serving. They ask the tough questions in this film. The questions that so many believers are afraid to ask because it means you are "doubting". They take some of the leading ideologies found in the modern church head on and put them to the test of Scripture. It is a compelling film, but more than the things it addresses. It's incredibly real. These guys aren't guys who have been to seminary and know all the answers to every religious question. In fact, they state that at the beginning. These are 4 guys who were willing to put down all that they have been taught and thought about modern "Christianity" and seek out the Truth of what it means to be a Christian. To be someone who follows after Christ with everything they have. Who reach out to the poor and who don't just sit around and talk about it. They wanted to know what it really means to be a Christ follower. The price, the sacrifice, the joys, the reasons, it all. The good the bad and the ugly. It'll make you seriously examine your heart. You'll ask yourself some of the same questions they did, but hopefully you'll go to God's Word and to God Himself like they did. I highly recommend watching this movie. It'll spur those of us who are on the same path they are. It'll encourage those who have doubts to seek out answers ( when you seek you WILL find.) and spark conversation for those who don't know Him.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Songs of the Soul

Touch my heart
Restore my soul
Take my hand and lead me home
This troubled life
I'm letting go
To follow after you alone

When darkness surrounds me and death is all I can see.
I'll lift my eyes to heaven and know your with me
I give up my burdens And get down on my knees
Lift my voice with praise for You and know you'll hear my plea

Touch my heart
Restore my weary broken soul
Take my hand
And lead me on home
This trouble life ain't worth it
For you I'm letting go
And I'll follow after you
Follow after you, oh
I'll follow after you