Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So there comes a time in ever person's life when they finally make it through one of the darkest nights and see that beautiful sunrise coming up over the horizon. Have you ever noticed the way the sky slowly brightens at the breaking dawn? It's one of the most beautiful sites i have ever beheld, and for some reason that one moment of the early morning makes my day before it has even begun. Perhaps it was all the trips to Oklahoma when i was a child. We'd be up all night excited and packing getting ready to leave for the long 10 hour trip to the Texas-Oklahoma state line. I'd be exhausted from running around our culdesac at midnight with my friends, but somehow I always timed it just right. I'd wake up to that beautiful sunrise, and eventhough the ksbj signal had been long out of reach of our humble van, it was like seeing God conduct a symphony ever year. Every year i would get so excited seeing that gorgeous sunset, but as the years went on and friends traveled with us there seemed to be more distractions keeping me away from this glorious symphony. Things in my life started getting in the way, blinding me to this wondorous creation, deafening me to my Saviour's voice, until that wondorous sunrise was nothing more than just another day.
Which makes me think now about how much life gets in the way of our lives. I know that's sounds like a contradiction, but so is the concept of being alive but not really living. It's a concept readily excepted, that i hear constantly from my compadres. As a teenager in high school you can imagine how many times i hear people say something to the effect of "I can't wait to graduate so i can really start living..." I hear it almost everyday not always so much in words as in attitudes, attitudes of complacency. The real problem doesn't lie in our lives, but in our view of them.
The sunrise I saw as a child doesn't differ from the one I see every morning. The only thing different was my perspective. Since those wonderful days of my child till now, so much has changed. I no longer make those annual trips to Oklahoma. I think the season for those days has passed, but my family and I recently took a trip to Reno. We traveled through the Texas panhandle to the country side of New Mexico, the beautiful Mountains of Arizona and the tempting desert of Nevada, and with long and weary day I caught a glimpse of what I saw when I was child. I realized it wasn't just the breaking dawn or the rolling plains. It wasn't the height of the intimidating mountains or the vast desert lands that I was gazing upon. No, it was it's Creator. He is what amazed my young mind. He is what made the sun rise, the moutains stand and the land stretch far and wide.
So today as you go about your business, don't forget to look for your Creator. He's everywhere...

Hebrews 11:3
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."

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