Thursday, September 10, 2009


What a despicable word! I live and breath by the power of an amazing Creator who despite everything Loves me, so how can I be lonely? I am never alone, truly alone because He is ALWAYS with me! So how do I feel this way?
Then again, it's not the typical I feel all alone in this world, I have no one loneliness. It's a deeper weirder loneliness. It's like I'm yearning for my "other half", my "husband". It's so odd. Really.
I'm not "lonely" when I'm with my friends, but there just seems to be something I don't know missing. But how can that be?
I HAVE the other half of me! The thing that makes me whole. Jesus! So how can I feel this way?
Well, I guess it's because eventhough I am whole, I'm not complete yet. As in my life is not complete yet. As in, I am MADE for someone. Ha! what a weird thought. I'm only 17, and I'm already yearning for the one who God has made me for. Maybe, it's just the fact that I'm being surrounded by such despair, and I'm feeling a little teenie bit weary.
HA! I had a moment this week, where I literally had a deja vu in reverse.
A year ago, I was in the shower pouring out my heart out to God, telling Him that I was tired of being the "weak" one. I was tired of being hated, and despised, weak and tired, and feeling useless as a friend. Then, this past week, on Sunday I found myself in the same exact place but the exact opposite. I almost told God that I was tired of being the "strong" one. I caught myself, chuckled and told God, "Wow! How can my heart change this fast Lord? I remember just last year I was complaining about being the "weak" one, and now I'm complaining about being the "strong" one. So, this is how fast my heart can change. This is how the Children of Israel did it. *chuckle*"
It was a sobering experience. So, instead of my silly childish response to everything that God has done through me this year I changed it to something that expressed my true desire, to have someone who I can be strong for and they can be strong for me too. Someone who I can "lean on" in sorts. Because I do have one amazing friend who is always there for me sometimes she doesn't really notice, and the other sister I have sometimes just doesn't know. I know I should be more open, but even I still harbor a fear of rejection. I can handle it in many places in my life, sports, relationships, life in general, but when it comes to pouring out my heart in worship or dealing with my raw emotions the only one I trust is God. I'm sure there is at least one person out there who i can just one day be able to break down and cry on their shoulder, but as for now God is the only shoulder I need.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

True Fellowship!

So, it's been a little while since I've written on here. Mainly because school has just begun and volleyball has commenced taking up my computer time so I will now write on here on the weekends. That's when I'll write about whatever happened over the previous week or any particular strikes of inspiration.

I read a friend's blog yesterday and it moved me. The circumstances, well the happenstance of the music that was playing while I read it was absolutely miraculous. If you haven't checked out my friend Haley on Youtube go look her up. Type Haley&Delaney or the channel name thehaleyshaw. She's one of the most amzing people I have ever met. The particular song I'm talking about is called "Te amo". It's one of the best songs I've ever heard. It always moves me. Anyway I was reading my friend's blog, and as I read it I was moved almost to tears. Because the words I was reading corresponded to the heartfelt lyrics of the song, but the part that really got me was when my friend happened to mention me. She didn't say my name, but she mentioned a conversation that we had had. The realization was incredible. Here was my friend, my "dear friend" pouring out her heart in a blog about what the Lord has done for her, and she counted me as one of her many blessings. I can't help but be moved. In ways I haven't even imagined God has used me. Ways that I don't even recognize. He has used me even in all my state. God is AMAZING!!! It really is amazing the power of just loving someone in one converstion, in one word, in one hug (=]) in one moment. I thank god for putting me in her life, and hers in mine. For almost a year I went to my church, despite angry/disapproving parents, all alone, and then He gave me one of the best friends I've ever had. It's amazing. I almost can't remember going there without her. All the saddness, all the grief, all the pain, all the memories of the lonely hours all alone in that huge building or the tears I cried almost every week having to leave it without anyone to share my joy have all faded away. God gave me her to help me cope with all this parental drama, and to encourage me. AND boy is she an encouragement! She has helped to tear down the rest of my own "Berlin Walls" in my life. She has helped me (even if she can't believe it) to open up more to people. Maybe not in speech or in deed, but in relationships. She was the first person I didn't torture at the start of our friendship. My anger, my rage and all that other baggage was subsided when God put her in my life, and all with one phrase, "Hello, love!"
She may not say that anymore, but that one term of endearment disarmed me and her gentle loving spirit helped to mend things in my life that, even I (the over annalytical one who can figure out the deepest meanings of life and circumstance...hahaha!) until now hadn't realized.
She is an amazing person! God has brought her so far even just in the last 7 months. I can't even belive its only been that long since our friendship started to bloom. I can't imagine not standing side by side with her in the presence of the Almighty lifting our voices in songs of praise and worship! I can't!
I thank Him for every shy, intreverted (though, it is no longer!), hurting, aching, loving, compassionate, kind, gentle, incredibly human part of her because even with all her weaknesses and all of mine, even with all our wonderful God-given strengths, even with all our baggage from our broken or disfunctional families and all our doubts, worries, fears and sadness God has changed us! He has Loved us, and He will USE us! I know now, without a shadow of a doubt and I want to make it known to her and the world (because I don't think I've told her yet) that I love her and I would die for her! I love ya Jessica!
This 7 months of friendship has been some of the sweetest moments of my twisted traumatic wonderfully broken life, and i thank God for you!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


So, the past 3 days at my church have been what's called X-week. It was amazing! I had such a great time! and not just the whole spending time with my friends. I loved just being with people who were worshiping God all at the same time. The energy was amazing! Usually, i feel like i'm on display during our worship, so i usually don't raise my hands. i don't want to attract attention to myself and take away from someone else's worship, but when I was there the past few days I felt like I was completely alone with God. I was surrounded by over a hundred people, but I felt completely alone with my Creator. It was a marvelous feeling. The intimacy, the closeness, the utter nakedness (not literally, that would be weird) of it all. It was like nothing I have ever experienced. It was absolutely miraculous. I felt completely free to pray, to sing, to clap, to dance, to raise my hands, to cry, to scream, to do anything that I needed to commune with my Father. Even after the worship was over the message was so powerful. It was about just being Still and knowing He is God. On Thursday after the first service on Wednesday, I found myself craving that closeness with God. I found small times throughout the day just to talk to Him, just to be like, "Hey, You're God! and You're Amazing! You give me breathe, you give me sight, legs to walk on, you make me whole."
What was even more interesting, I was sitting next to my best friends, and a guy who I wish could be a close friend, and It was like they weren't there, but we were somehow connected. Not just them, but all the believers in that room. I could feel the presence of God, just like when He spoke to me in that room just a little over a year and a half ago. The same intimacy. It was AMAZING! I hope all of you who read this feels the presence of God like that at least once in your life. If you do, You'll never want to be separate from Him ever again!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Alright so here is the long awaited publication of this onto this blog...just kidding no one cares if I post this. But it goes smack dab in the middle of my last post where I mention it. I wrote this a while back on my other blog, and it's extremely emotional for me. I can't even bring myself to read it again. If you wonder why I love tenth avenue north so much and you have a lot of spare time go ahead and read it. It's long and ugly, so be prepared.

A few weeks ago, I had one of the hardest moments of my life both emotionally and spiritually. I have had "worse" things happen to me in my life, but because this involved my parents and their anger towards me and my decision to join a new church, it grew to be one of the hardest nights of my life.

The day had started like any other. I was running around getting ready for school and running around trying to find my jersey for the basketball team pictures later on that day. My mother told me to tell my dad whether or not we had practice just in case the pictures run long. I didn't know that she had already told him our practice ended at 6.
I went about my day as normal until we got to practice. The rest of the girls didn't know if we had practice either, but after our pictures we learned we had practice until 5 because the junior high had a game. When our coach got to the gym he decided to hold us over until 6. No big deal, because that was what practice was supposed to end.
Well, I called my dad to let him know we just got out of practice. He got all upset cause he wasn't there yet, being stuck in traffic and all that drama. (My dad is a little melodramatic.) It just so happened that night was a Drama Production and I had really wanted to go. I asked him if I could, and he got really upset with me telling me that I should have told him before so that he would have to get up. I explained to him we weren't sure that we had practice or not, because we had pictures and that junior high had a game.
He went off on me. Calling me a liar, because my mother had already told him we had practice till 6. Yelling at me that I had known all day that we had practice, but didn't care enough to call and ask earlier. I kept telling him that I hadn't known. Picture days are always different and that with the junior high game we didn't have the gym. He kept insisting and screaming at me that I was lying. I was trying not to make a scene because I was on the phone, but I was on the verge of tears. How could keep telling me I was a liar? I was telling the truth and he wasn't listening. I should have known to stop talking. I was just digging me a deeper whole, but it was breaking my heart that he didn't believe me. He started bashing me. Telling me, "YOU'RE A LIAR!!! I KNOW HOW YOU TREAT YOUR MOTHER!! YOU MAY GET AWAY WITH LYING WITH HER, BUT NOT WITH ME." He kept on like that for what felt like a lifetime. Somehow, I can't even remember how, but he got so mad that he pulled me out of basketball. He literally, went to my coach and told me that I was no longer going to be a part of this team.
It took everything I could just to stay standing. My heart was broken and it was beginning to shatter. I walked into the bathroom before we left to wipe my eyes before the tears began to flow, and I prayed to the Lord. "Lord, I don't know why this is happening, but if you want me to go through this, then I'm going to need your help. There is no way I can make it through this night on my own."
My father was so angry, and I knew if I started crying it would only make things worse. What could I do? I just kept praying to the Lord for my father not to push the subject. Just let him cool off on the ride home, but that wasn't the Lord's plan. He was using that moment, that conversation to put to rest other things that had been weighing my heart down. I had to go through the fire before I could feel any peace. Let me tell you right now, the next few hours after I closed that car door changed my entire outlook. Everything I went through was worth it in the end because God moved. He moved my parents hearts. He was starting to open a door they had not realized had closed and I was his tool. Believe me it was hard, but I just kept thinking about that song I had prayed so many times.
"When the whole world turns against me,
and I'm all by myself,
and I can't hear You answer my cries for help.
I'll remember the suffering your Love put You through.
And I WILL go through the FIRE if You want me to."

Once I had gotten into the car my father continued with his argument. Asking me, "WHY??? WHY DO TREAT ME AND YOUR MOTHER THIS WAY?? HUH? WHY DO YOU TREAT US LIKE WE'RE STUPID? WHY DO YOU CONSTANTLY LIE TO US? WHY? JUST ANSWER ME THAT?"
All I could mutter was, "I'm not lying. I'm telling you the truth."
That threw him into a raged. He kept yelling and I curled up into a ball against the side of the door. I was to afraid of his anger to even look at him. The tears were flowing now.
I asked him, "Why don't you believe me?"
"Your mother already told me that you had practice till 6.
I said, "It's picture day. Picture days are always different."
"I'm not."
I continued to explain, but my explanation had fallen on deaf ears. I knew I should have been quiet, but I was tired of him calling me a liar. I wasn't lying. I kept telling him the truth, but he wouldn't listen. When he hit the dashboard it took every single part of my Will to keep me in that car. We were still parked, and every cell in my body wanted to run.
He kept bashing other parts of my life.
I couldn't answer him. If I did I'd end up never seeing my parents ever again. I wanted to take him up on his offer to put me out on the streets. I'd do anything just to make him happy. If I was such a burden it would be better for me to go live on the street and die alone without hurting anybody else, but I had promised myself that I would never run away. Never. No matter how bad things got, I would stay and tough it out because I at least owed my parents that much, so I dismissed that thought quickly.
He continued to list off all my indiscretions. I knew he was right, and I stupidly said, "I know."
"I MEAN...I MEAN YOU'RE RIGHT! I DO THOSE THINGS, AND I SHOULDN'T, " I scrambled to correct my wording his anger was boiling and I was stroking the flames.
Not to long after that my father and I were on the road. Heading home. I kept begging the Lord to let us make it home in one piece. I begged him to save one piece of my heart because I knew it was only going to get worse. I was weeping and my head hurt so bad. I could barely see and my chest hurt from crying.
My father looked at my deportment and snickered, "You sure got your act down pack. If I didn't already know any better I'd believe those tears were real, but ya see I'm smarter than that."
That one cold statement froze the pieces of my heart left. I couldn't believe he could ever say something like that. He didn't believe anything about me. He didn't know anything about me. He thought he did, but he didn't. I was, am different from who I was. How could he sit there and judge me on what I used to be. What I still struggled to overcome. The difference between who I was and who I am was that I cared. And the Evil Once was using who I had been to try and destroy what I was becoming. I felt a whole ripping inside of my chest.
My father brought up again who I had treated my mom. I knew he was right. I treated her horribly. With such disdain and disrespect. My heart hurt even worse now. Not for what my father had said necessarily, but because I knew it was true. I had tried to change that months before, but circumstance would influence my efforts. My mother was angry. Some of the things she had said to me before I knew weren't true, but they still hurt. Leaving little tears here and there in my heart, making it easier to shatter on this long ride home. They were horrible things. My mother had told me more than once before that "I was the reason people killed themselves, why innocent babies die at birth and why we have war in this country." All because of me.
I tried to tell him, I was trying, but he wouldn't listen. I tried to be gentle. Telling him that my mom had said and done things that caused me to react. I told him I knew that I shouldn't have reacted those ways, but I did.
He wouldn't have that. Me, accusing my mother of wrong-doing when it was so "clearly obvious that I was the reason she had said those things". I caused it all.
I had been through that statement before, and I knew it wasn't true. God had showed me that not everything can be caused by one person alone. It couldn't have all been me. I can't/don't hold that much power.
I held on to that truth for dear life. It was all I had, and the Lord had already given it to me, possibly for this moment. My father still wouldn't listen. So I told him some of the things my mother had said.
I had never seen my father that angry. He probably turned purple, but the road we were on was dark with no street lights, sparing me from his entire reaction.
He screamed, "THAT'S A BOLD FACE LIE! THAT'S A BOLD FACE LIE!" hitting the dash as hard as he could, literally yelling at the top of his lungs. With ever strike against the car and moved closer and closer to the door. I was scared. I was afraid he was going to hit me. I prayed to the Lord to help my father keep his promise to Him. (My father had promised to God that once he had gotten married and had kids, he would do what his father did. Beat his children. He vowed to never lay his had on any one of us.) I knew my father would never purposely hit me, but I know all to well what anger can do to a person. I used to be that angry. I prayed to the Lord to calm him so that he wouldn't do something that he would regret, because that alone would destroy him. If he ever let himself get to that place that would kill him before any earthly thing could touch him. I prayed hard for my father. I was tired of hurting my parents, and I didn't want to be the reason he lost control.
My father continued to scream, but he no longer hit the dash and I could tell he was becoming as weary as I was.
I couldn't believe he'd said that. If there was any part of my heart unbroken it was shattered with that statement. After the shock settled, and I realized he'd really said it. I knew how angry I had made him, and then I was angry. Not with him, but with myself. My father would not have normally said that and I couldn't believe he really had. New tears flowed. No longer tears of fear or anger, but of sorrow.
My father had really lost that much faith in me that he would stoop that low in order to hurt me enough that I would back down.
(You see, my mother had a hard labor with me. I almost killed her. Once I was born she started to bleed out, and she had to get a hysterectomy. I'm the reason she can't have anymore children, and that has always bothered me. It's the deepest possible hurt I have concerning my parents. If one thing would have gone wrong I wouldn't have had a mother, and my life would be completely different.)
We both remained silent the rest of the ride home. We were both exhausted, and I was hurt beyond repair (so I thought).
My mother happened to call, and I had thought it was over but my father explained to her that we all had some serious talking to do.

I was so tired. I went up into my room. I couldn't feel anything but pain. I prayed hard to the Lord. I cried my eyes out, but before I did anything else I put in a new CD my mother had bought me and it was in those lyrics I found my heart's song to the Lord and His response.
The first song I prayed hard was called "Hold My Heart":

"How long must I pray
Must I pray to you?
How long must I wait,
Must I wait for you?
How long till I see your face,
See you shining through?

I'm on my knees
Begging you to notice me.
I'm on my knees
Father will you turn to me.


I've been so afraid, afraid to close my eyes
So much can slip away before I say goodbye
But if there's no other way
I'm done asking why



So many questions without answers
Your promises remain
I can't see but I'll take my chances
To hear you call my name
To hear you call my name



I cried and screamed and prayed this song at the top of my lungs. Over and over again I prayed that chorus. I was pouring my heart out to him, begging to hear me and calm my parents. To let them understand. In the midst of my praying I tried to believe what my father had told me. That I was a liar. I tried so hard to believe that what I was saying was a lie. That my mother never had really said those things that I made them up. That it really was my fault, but the Lord wouldn't let me. He kept whispering "It's the truth. Believe the truth."
Then the next song on the album played and the first part of it really gave me comfort.
It's called "Times"
"I know I need You
I need to love You
I'd love to see You but it's been so long

I long to feel You
I feel this need for You
I need to hear You
Is that so wrong?
(I was telling him how I felt with those lyrics. That I really did need his help, even through those trial. If he wanted me to go through them I'd need him right there.)

Now You pull me near You
When we're close I fear You
Still I'm afraid to tell You all that I've done

Are you done forgiving?
Can You look past my pretending?
I'm so tired of defending what I've become
What have I become?

But I hear you Say

The times you doubt me
And when you can't feel
The times you question
Is this for real?

The times that you're broken
The times that you mend
The times you hate me
And the times that you bend


The times that you're healing
And when your heart breaks
The times that you feel like you've fallen
from grace

The times that you're hurting
The times that you heal
The times you go hungry and are tempted to steal

In times of confusion
In chaos and pain
I'm there in your sorrow under the weight of your shame

I'm there in your heart-ache
I'm there through the storm
My love I will keep you by my power alone

I don't care where you've fallen or where you have been
I'll never forsake you
My love never ends
It never ends”

This song really helped me calm my spirit, and the next song that came on. Touched my heart, and when it was over I realized my heart that I thought was broken beyond repair was whole again.

IT's called "Beloved"
I like to call it "God's love song to us"

"Love of my Life
Look deep in My eyes
There you will find what you need

Give me your life
The lust and the lies
And the past your afraid I might see
You've been running away from me


Love of my Life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need

I'm the giver of life
I'll clothe you in white
My immaculate bride you will be
Come running home to me


You've been a mistress, my wife
Chasing lovers that won't satisfy
Won't you let me make you my bride
You will drink of my lips and you'll taste new life


After I had poured my soul out to the Lord for what was an hour and a half, I turned to my Bible, and immediately I found this scripture.


"1 In you, O LORD, do I take refuge;
let me never be put to shame;
in your righteousness deliver me! 2Incline your ear to me;
rescue me speedily! Be a rock of refuge for me,
a strong fortress to save me!
3For you are my rock and my fortress;
and for your name’s sake you lead me and guide me; 4you take me out of the net they have hidden for me,
for you are my refuge. 5Into your hand I commit my spirit;
you have redeemed me, O LORD, faithful God.
6 I hate those who pay regard to worthless idols,
but I trust in the LORD. 7I will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love,
because you have seen my affliction;
you have known the distress of my soul, 8and you have not delivered me into the hand of the enemy;
you have set my feet in a broad place.
9Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am in distress;
my eye is wasted from grief;
my soul and my body also. 10For my life is spent with sorrow,
and my years with sighing; my strength fails because of my iniquity,
and my bones waste away.
11Because of all my adversaries I have become a reproach,
especially to my neighbors, and an object of dread to my acquaintances;
those who see me in the street flee from me. 12I have been forgotten like one who is dead;
I have become like a broken vessel. 13For I hear the whispering of many—
terror on every side!— as they scheme together against me,
as they plot to take my life.
14But I trust in you, O LORD;
I say, "You are my God." 15My times are in your hand;
rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors! 16 Make your face shine on your servant;
save me in your steadfast love! 17O LORD, let me not be put to shame,
for I call upon you; let the wicked be put to shame;
let them go silently to Sheol. 18Let the lying lips be mute,
which speak insolently against the righteous
in pride and contempt.
19Oh, how abundant is your goodness,
which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you,
in the sight of the children of mankind! 20Inthe cover of your presence you hide them
from the plots of men; you store them in your shelter
from the strife of tongues.
21Blessed be the LORD,
for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me
when I was in a besieged city. 22I had said in my alarm,
"I am cut off from your sight."But you heard the voice of my pleas for mercy
when I cried to you for help.
23Love the LORD, all you his saints!
The LORD preserves the faithful
but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. 24 Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
all you who wait for the LORD!”

After reading this I prayed one final time letting the Lord know that I knew he would be with me when I went to go talk to my parents, and that I would wait on him to "save me in his steadfast love" and help heal this hurt between me and my parents.
After praying, I put down my Bible and I let the music play. I started my homework and waited for my parents to call me. When my father came to knock on my door this one song just happened to be playing. It gave me hope and kinda made me laugh. Only God has this kinda timing.

"By Your side":

"Why are you striving these days?
Why are you trying to earn grace?
Why are you crying?
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away

Why are you looking for love?
Tell me why are you still searching as if I'm not enough?
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run?
To where will you run?


No one out there can hear those lyrics as you go to face the storm and not take heart.

The next following moments were the most miraculous moments of my 16 years. My father was no longer angry. My mother and father had talked for the 2 hours I was in my room. The Lord had moved mountains. I was in awe of God and his power. As we sat there we began to talk. My parents apologized to me for not believing me and for the things they had said. I apologized for my end because I was a major contributor to the trouble. I couldn't help but feel joy on the inside. My heart felt like it was stitched up and already beginning the process of healing. God could have completely taken that hurting feeling away, but I think he wanted me to remember that feeling so that it would inspire me to change my ways. To remind me of what he had done and what he could do.

When my father apologized for calling me a liar, it was like my heart opened inside my chest. I felt it bursting inside. I was so happy and overjoyed. He had faith in me again, and I was determined to keep it. I never wanted my father to ever lose that much faith in me again.
“The long night was over and gone. I thought once this dark would last for so long, but I feel the sunlight on my face. [He] has brought me to this place. Jesus, You found me. Through the long night and you set me free.” (Barlow Girl)

The next day I still bore the effects on my face. My face was pale from the stress, my eyes were swollen and tired from the crying my head still ached, but on my face I wore a smile. The Lord had restored my parent’s and mine relationship. I had more joy in my heart then I had had in a really long time, and I’m proud to say that it has continued to this day and will. I may get angry. I may get sad, but I will always have this to remember when God was good to me, and how good he will remain.

Our God is an Awesome God. He is wonderful and powerful. He will protect his children, and he is worth following. He has done more for me than most people may see in a lifetime, and I have my life to thank him with. It’s all I have in this work, but for him it’s enough.

Tears & Fears vs. Confessions&Questions

Okay, so a little over a year ago I joined the church to which I am now a member and attending. I did it because I felt the Lord calling me, and I couldn't ignore him any longer. I did so to the chagrin of my parents, but so you get the whole picture let me start from the beginning.

A few months prior to my decision one of the most catastrophic moments of my life happened. Something that had eaten me from the inside out for almost 10 years of my life could no longer be hidden. I sat in a crowded auditorium with all the other students of my school, listening to a guest speaker. It was revival week at my school, and although i hadn't expected I'd be one of the revived, God grabbed hold of me and didn't let go. The speaker had been invited to speak for 3 days, and being the last day I was looking forward to a normal schedule and back to normal school life. But in the midst of his final sermon it was like everything I had suppressed for so long was being ripped from my grasp. Then began the inner struggle that I had never felt before. I could literally feel the spiritual battle raging inside. I was the battlefield. The Lord was fighting for me, and He was not backing down. I kept trying to suppress it, to force it all back down.
"I couldn't do it here. Not here. What would they think of me?" Those were the first few thoughts I had as the battle begun, but they seemed irrelevant as God began to slowly beat the enemy down. The Lord kept calling,kept forcing the evil one out. God was working on me. He was removing the blemish I had bore for so long. I kept fighting the Truth, I kept trying to ignore it, but everytime I did the truth just kept coming back. I had hidden it so long I couldn't back out now. Every fear I had ever felt about this matter came soaring to the surface, but somehow in the midst of this horrendus struggle I was no longer afraid of them. My heart was changing and I didn't even know it. God was opening up my heart, allowing me to fall into His open arms.
In the middle of this battle, the minister continued his sermon and everything he was saying to me just echoed everything God was saying to me. It hurt. Oh, my goodness it hurt so bad. I felt as if my heart would rip from my chest. I was so grieved. I felt like it was beaten. I was disgusted with myself, with the truth I was so sorry, so enveloped in guilt. I could barely breathe and the tears flowed even though no one around me had noticed. They were ingulfed in the message and were completely oblivious to the spiritual battle raging inside of me.
I kept telling myself it just wasn't true. It couldn't be true, not me. It didn't happen to me. It's just something I made up. It didn't really happen! It couldn't have! But with every denial I knew deep down I was lieing to myself, then God ask me a question. It was THE question, the now or never question.
He asked me, "Is this worth the pain? I can take it away. Either you can come to me now, or go back to the misery and agony that you once were in."
In my heart and my mind I knew whatever my answer was would be forever. This had been the farthest this ugly truth had every managed to surface, and I knew if I put it back down I would never let it come back up again. I was given a choice and a chance in the moment to finally be free from it. To allow God to be with me even if all my fears came true. To allow him to carry me through and be with him again. I didn't know what to do...I sat there in all my state with a choice before me. I sat there, and I began to decide.
I held my hands folded infront of me in my lap, and then the speaker asked us all a question. If we were willing to stand for God, in every aspect of our lives. As he went on in his explanation, it felt like the final stab at my heart was complete. I'm not sure if it was for good or bad, but that one shock awoke me. It pressed upon me the importance of my decison. I began to weep. In front of everyone. I was so incredibly broken, and I didn't care if anyone else saw. I was so incredibly broken. I silently prayed without realizing it, but if this moment of vulnerability could be used to glorify the Lord then so be it! The speaker kept asking us. He kept repeating the question, and he said I don't want you to stand for the person next to you or for your friends or even because your known to be the "goody two-shoes". No! This is between you and God, and I don't want you to stand unless you absolutely mean it.
The speaker's question and God's question to me were infused. I heard God ask me, "Will you stand for me and allow me to make you into who I want you to be, or will you stay seated and defeated?" I began to argue with myself saying, if you do this you have to tell your parents. It's one or the other. If you keep it to yourself you stay seated and no one ever knows, but IF YOU STAND you have to tell them! It was now or never. I was crying so hard, but I don't think my best friend who was sitting next to me had quite noticed. With every second that passed it felt like a life time. My entire body was screaming to stand to finally let this all be done with, but my heart and my mind continued to wrestle. People around me began to notice me crying, but I didn't care. I kept telling myself I won't stand for them! I WON'T STAND FOR THEM! IF I DO IT WILL BE FOR ME!!! With every second I wished for him to be done with this question so I wouldn't have to stand, but then He said, "If you want to do this and stand for God every day and in every part of your life, stand for Him NOW!"
There was an awkward pause, and everyone began looking around to see who would stand. My group of friends are the "goody two-shoes" and everyone expected us to stand. My friend Anastasia, a boy named Logan, and few others stood one by one. People all over the auditorium began to notice my tears. It was the moment now or never. As my friends looked back and noticed my tears, she beckoned me to stand, but I remember she looked so sad, and she said, "Naomi" with her motioning hand, but I didn't look her. I was making my decision. I said to myself, "If I stand it's not for her. If I stand it will be for the LORD!"
I don't know how long it took me to make my decision, but I remember it felt like I was standing at the edge of a cliff, and I jumped!
When I stood, in that one glorious moment it felt like my heart had burst with joy! I cried bitterly happy tears. I couldn't talk, and I stood with the whole world watching. It was a wonderful moment and it felt like an important turning point in my life. I was completely different than the pathetic miserable defeated person I was literally just 1 second ago. I was standing for the Lord, and all the questions I had were gone. I had stood, and I prepared myself for what I had to tell my parents that night.

Since that moment God has not only called me to him, but has filled me with a glorious joy that defies description, and a strength that has brought me through the worst days and nights of my life.

A few weeks after this incredible moment of deliverance in my life, I was invited to a thing called "Breaking Free" at what is now my church. I had been invited for a few years, but I never had a chance to go. I aske my mom at short notice, but somehow we made it work and even though I showed up late my mom was really supportive. A little over a month, even before that wonderful moment, I had been looking for a church, and I had even thought about this one. But upon going to it one night I absolutely despised it and gave it possible the worst review ever, and now I can't believe I felt that way. Anyway, as the weeked went on I enjoyed the worship and the sermons, but again the last sermon by a man named Chris Brooks really spoke to me. He said if you hear the voice of God calling you listen to it and obey. Don't wait! Don't ask for your friends permission, don't wait on your parents, don't try to make yourself ready for him, don't delay! ANSWER HIM! He is calling you! The more time I spent with these people the more I felt called to join this church, and believe me it wasn't me who just thought oh I think I'll join cause I like these people, because as I said earlier I didn't really like them. It just seemed the more time I was around them, it felt like God was calling me to make this my church home. Like He had prepared me to come here.
The whole theme of the weekend was "Recalled"! Everything was lining up, God had definetly set things in motion exactly how He did whenever He sent me to my school. It was amazing! I knew that this was what He wanted to do, but when my mom picked me up after the weekend was over and I told her, "I think God wants me to join the church", she made up all these excuses about her being to tired during the week and how would I get there on wednesdays...etc. It felt like a knife had been stuck in my chest, because all I could think was, "This is my spiritual well-being my eternity here, and all you can say is your to tired to bring me?" I was beyond hurt, but I knew it would be hard for her and I accepted what she said. I had every intention of listening to what she said. After a few hours of rest, she took me back to the church for breaking free recap. It's a time when we can get up there and share our stories. I met this one woman on the way in to the little session, and she asked me about my weekend and how I liked it. She asked me if I was joining the church, and now that I think about it, it was a very odd question to ask, because others were asking if we were members or if we were here with someone not if we were joining the church, anyhoo. I told her that I had thought about it, but I didn't think so. I don't remember what she said, but it was very sweet sounding. I sat next to the girls I had met that weekend, and as the last spot was offered to the audience the girl next to me Kylee elbowed me to go tell some of the stories I had joked about all weekend. I asked her three times if she wanted me to do it, and she said yes. So I got up and took the mike and did it. I was so nervous I was shaking, but I went up there with a huge smile on my face and told the stories and everyone laughed. I think one more "act" went up and shared their stories, and then we all went into the big worship center for Sunday night worship and sermon. At the end the pastor thanked all of us who attended and simply stated that during the invitation if we wanted to make this our church home to come and do so, and that we'd be happy to have you. Suddenly, I felt that calling again, and eventhough I knew what my mother had told me I couldn't say no to the Lord. I walked up with trembling hands and joined the church. I don't remember if it was that woman I talked to or someone else, but I remember when they took me to the new members room where they took my picture and put me in their database and took all my information. All I could think was how am I going to explain this to my father. I thought he'd be the one to have a long explanation with and I thought my mom would be supportive because I had talked to her about it.
After all this was complete and J.J. came and said hi and welcomed me to the youth (he's the youth minister), as I was leaving the woman I had met earlier said she was so happy to see me join the church and that after she saw me on stage she had told J.J. that "We need her in this church". I hugged her and smiled and laughed, and walked back into that service as it was ending. I was so happy although my compadres weren't jumping for joy like I was at the time. I kept thinking how am I going to explain this to my dad. I don't remember all that happened between getting my stuff and meeting my ride outside, but I do remember feeling a little anxious as my DAD drove up and not my mother.
I got into the car and immediately blurted out that I'd joined the church. Surprisingly enough he was really supporitive, proud infact. He said he was glad that I had come to this decision on my own and that he knew that one day I would have to decide for myself to follow the Lord, but he kinda wished I had said something to him before hand. He was pretty chill about it, and I thought oh thank goodness I'm home free. All I have to do is tell my mom and I "knew" she'd be happy for me.
So you can imagine my surprise when I got home and told her her reaction wasn't joy or even contemplative. She was OUTRAGED! I've never seen her that furious and that passionate about something in my entire life.
I told her, "I joined the church".
She looked at me with a wild crazy look in her eye with almost rage, and said, "No you didn't! You can't".
I looked at her confused.
"Yes, I did....what do you mean I can't"?
"You can't, because your a member at calvary (my old church). You can't just leave. You have to ask for your membership to be transfered and you have to have recommendations....etc."
She went on for a while, and I was in complete shock! I had no idea all the politics involved in moving churches. Like some you churches requir like a recomendation, and a written paper on what kind of member you are and records of your baptism and if they don't have it you have to be baptized again, and others can reject your membership. It doesn't make sense. Since when does my spiritual nourishment come with restrictions?
I was so heart broken. My mom refused to believe it. She kept telling me," No your not a member! We have to give our consent. Your underage!" and all sort of stuff like that.
I told her, "They took my picture got my info and now I am a member."
She told me to go to my room, and when she called me down to supper she wouldn't even look at me.
You'd think my own mom would at least talk to me. My dad was okay with it, and I had expected her to understand and even be happy for me, and I was completely blindsided by this intense hatred. After I told them about the weekend they BOTH got mad at me for what Chris Brooks said. I remember they were mad at me, and then we just didn't talk about it anymore. I couldn't even ask my mom about taking me. I didn't go that first week. I had to ask about specific times and when everything was over and all sorts of stuff before she even thought about letting me. Week after week I had to wait after school before church started all alone just to be able to go. I couldn't be picked up cause my dad had work, and my mom didn't get off early enough to take me home to change. So I brought clothes and changed every wednesday. I hid out in the bathroom because technically the extended care couldn't let me out without someone signing me out. So I snuck away during the transition between study hall and extended care. I was so happy to be going to spend time with the Lord that I didn't even care how long I had to stay. The way my church works we have Bible study at 6:00pm to 6:30pm and then Lift(worship and service) from 7:00-8:05pm. For almost 3 months I was only allowed to go to Bible study, and I kept begging my mother to let me go to Lift. My old church only went to 7:30, so she wasn't exactly excited about it.
I remember every week I would be so happy so joyous walking out of church and as soon as I saw my mom she would yell at me about everything! She was so angry! Every week I would cry, and her anger didn't just last one night, no it lasted the end of the week. She would laugh she wouldn't smile or do anything happy when she saw me. It would take me 3 days to get her to talk to me instead of yelling at me, and by the time I did I had to bring up going to church again. It literally took me 2 days every week to convince her to let me go. So that's 5 days a week where she was just constantly mad. I was so sad and miserable when I was around her, but every week I'd still ask her because that one half hour with that fellowship was worth all that pain and loneliness. Eventhough I was spiritually starving week in and week out and eventhough it took a lot of strength out of me to get to and from that spiritual meal I still fought for it. My mother finally allowed me to go to Lift near the end of the school year, but the summer was coming. Although I was happy to be out of school, i was getting weary. I was tired of being spiritually whipped every week, and I'm sad to say I didn't press the issue in the summer. Eventhough I had the worst day of my life at that point on my 16th birthday. My father shoved me. I had "mouthed off" and he shoved me. I was so scared when he did that and my mom didn't even care. I remember when I walked out of the computer room crying she looked at me like I deserved it. I went upstairs and cried my eyes out. I didn't eat for a few days, and I was so sad. (but a few weeks later my friend faith threw me a Surprise Birthday Party and it was the best day of my life so far. I was so happy to see them, and to feel their love for me. No one had ever done anything like that for me before, and it couldn't have come at a better time.)
The "abuse" from my mom continued over the weeks, and I'm sad to say I didn't take it well. I started becoming "rebelious" in my parents eyes. The hardest day of my life(in that point of my life) came when I "lied" to my dad. I'll post that story. I can't relive it again. It's called "HOLD MY HEART". It'll be the next post.
After that was relenquished by the wondorous power of God, my life continued. My mom wasn't as mad with me. She still hated me going, but she wasn't as mean about it. I could actually go to church and not go to bed that night crying. I started asking her to let me go to church on Sunday. I couldn't believe it had almost been a year since my turning point. She let me go after a lot of begging. I only got to go to sunday school, but it was worth it. I didn't go for a few weeks after that, but then I started going on a regular basis. In the middle of basketball season, the worst night of my life to this date occurred. Three of the hardest days of my life happened in the course of the same year. They were even worse than the day I tried to commit scuicide or the days I can't even speak of. That's how monumental this day was in my life, and my parents don't even know it.
It was the day my father kicked me out of the house. I remember his exact words..."GET OUT OF MY HOUSE I'M THROUGH WITH YOU! I'M DONE! PACK YOUR THINGS CAUSE YOU AIN'T EVER COMING BACK!"
He kept repeating I'm through with you, I'm through with you. All because he woke we up out of a dead sleep, and told me to get ready we're going to grandma's and I answered him with I have pre-cal homework. I was just trying to let him know I had homework, and I had to yell because he was making so much noise. I remember pleading my case, because of the strange events surrounding the weekend. Usually I do all of my homework on Friday, but we had a late game that night, and then my mom took me to the reservation to pick up some checks, which is over two hours away, and then we visited her family up there. So I didn't have time that Friday or Saturday, and I had planned on doing it on Sunday, but my grandma lives over 4 hours away and I had a LOT of pre-cal to do. I remember after I explained to him I asked him, "can i stay?"
It was dead silent. I could hear the tv down stairs he was so quiet, and then that's when he exploded.
He said, "You have defied me for the LAST TIME. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! I'M THROUGH WITH YOU!!! I'M DONE!!! GET OUT!!! PACK YOUR THINGS AND GET OUT!!!"...and he continued like that for what seemed like forever. I couldn't breathe, it felt like my heart had skipped a beat. It was like everything stopped. Then I heard the most horrible blood curdling ear peircing wail, right after I heard my father say "I'M DONE!!" It took me a few moments to realize it was me. I was screaming my head off and my lungs out, tears flowed like a literal waterfall down my face, but I felt nothing. My body was responding, but it was like I was on the outside looking in. It was the wreirdest experience of my life. As my wails finally calmed down to horrible sobs, I grabbed my cell phone and texted my friend Anastasia and my youth minister J.J. It was a Sunday in the middle of the afternoon, and both probably hadn't been expecting anything like this. I remember typing to both of them, "My dad just kicked me out I don't know what to do...what do I do?"
My heart was shattered and my hands trembled as i typed. Anastasia, texted me and said, "Your not kidding are you?"
and J.J. asked if I had a place to stay, and what I was doing. I was so scared. I got a small orange bag that read "corner child care", and filled it with my journal, a picture of my basketball team, a medal I had gotten for "best shooter" at a basketbal camp, some female toiletrees I had in my room and my Bible, and I faced the door. I was ready to leave my room and face the horrible fight raging between my parents down stairs. Their screams were so loud, and I remeber thing and praying to the Lord in my room, "I don't want them anymore! They're yours! I don't want them!" I walked down stairs hoping my parents didn't noticed, and I remember wished that they had gone into their bedroom so I could slip away without them noticing. I went into the bathroom and got my toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant and prepared for the hardest walk of my life to the door. I remember as I was packing in my room and even then how what had been mine just a few minutes before was no longer mine. I remember having to decided in one moment what was important and what was irrelevant. The most precious thing I owned was my Bible and the necklace my Coach had given me that read "Courage". I clutched it now, as I prepared to leave, and i left the hallway with my head down and began to walk towards my parents fighting in the kitchen. My father looked at me as my mom yelled back at him to not do this. I felt so weak and bruised standing in front of them. I just wanted to leave. I felt unwanted and I didn't want to be there. My mom said, "Look at your daughter". I don't remember what my father said, but it was something along the lines of "what daughter? she doesn't treat me like her father...".I walked by him as I tried to leave and he yelled something like, "She wouldn't leave if she didn't want to."
I turned back and said, "I'm leaving because you told me too".
He gave me some crap about I don't really want you to leave, baby. I wanted to vomit when he said that. I was disgusted with my mother too, because they were so incredibly two-faced, and eventhough everything they were so oblivious to doing to me over the last year I didn't want to destroy their marraige. I didn't want to leave, but I couldn't be their burden anymore. I had told the Lord in my room, "You said, you'd never leave me nor forsake me, and that I shouldn't worry because you'd provide food and clothing and everything I'd need. Well, I'm getting ready to collect and i'm going to need a LOT of help to get through this, but I know you'll be there."
As I stood infront of my parents and slowly made my way to the door, i just wanted to get out of this place and into the fresh air. I got as far as the front door, and opened it when my mom shut it in my face and said,"your not leaving. I'm not letting you do this. (to my father) you'll regret it later."
I pushed and shoved my mom out of the way, but she's a lot stronger than she looks and I knew if she didn't want me to leave I wasn't getting past her. I was so broken I could barely stand, and my eyes were drenched in tears that I could barely see. I felt like I was dying, like I had lost my parents. Like everything I had every known was dead and I just wanted to get out! I didn't want to be where I wasn't wanted, but my mother sat me and my father down and made us talk. He wouldn't listen to me, just kept going on with the I love you and don't want you to go, but whatever...
I told him if he didn't want me to go why did he tell me to leave? If he loved me and didn't want me to go why did he say he was through with me? He made up something about it was tough love and he was trying to wake me up, but I told him all it did was put fears into my head and heart that had plagued me all of my life. Everytime he got mad I thought he'd kick me out.
We continued to argue and debate different points, and he still wouldn't listen. My mom told him, "You're not listening to our daughter. We have a daughter in pain and she's trying to cry out for help and your not listening."
He said, "So your taking her side? Your my wife..."
I got up. I couldn't be the reason they broke up! I couldn't screw that up too. I had to leave, but my mom pleaded with my dad as she stood in my way. She sat me back down, and I started debating with my father again. How much he meant to me, that I couldn't be the reason they broke up. That I had prayed harder about that than anything else in my life. I would leave before I saw that happen, before I was the reason. I poured out my heart telling him, that I had made a promise a long time ago to NEVER run away because they deserved more than that. That I had vowed to God that I would never try and kill myself again. I told my dad without him I'd probably be dead, and it was then he finally listened. i had broken my father, and now he stood before me weeping. I couldn't believe it. I had felt through the whole argument that I was right, and I hated it. I had brought my father to his knees just by telling him the truth about how much he impacts my life. He hugged me and left me to go to his room. I went upstairs and put my things down, and my mom cooked lunched. I didn't see my father the rest of the day, and I stayed in my room for most of it.
It was over. But eventhough I never made it out the door everything changed. For the rest of the week I was numb. I couldn't feel anything. I laughed. I smiled. But I couldn't feel anything. I had cried so hard that my face bore the signs for almost three days. I went about the days carrying the weight of what had happened, and I dreaded the coming weekend alone with my parents. But as God would have it, that weekend was Breaking Free, and after the best game I've ever played i Beamount my mother drove me to Breaking Free. I met my friend Jessica and we went to the girl's house to enjoy the activities together, and that weekend as God would have it I met someone who helped to change my life and he doesn't even know it. I had seen him that first night...and again the next day. I had a funny little mix up with his name, and after the weekend I added him on facebook. As I always do I surf through the people-I-add's profiles. I saw the pictures of his huge family and him having the time of their lives. I remember when I saw them, how I felt. It was a bittersweet mixture of emotions, because I wanted that and I was sad that I didn't. That moment I saw him with his family I made a decision to be determined to work for that with my family that I wouldn't give up on them. That if I was ever kicked out again I wouldn't leave because my family deserved that much. I was determined to strive for that! He helped to change my life just by adding me on facebook, and I don't think he has any idea how much he means to me. I care about him deeply because of that moment oddly enough, and I have become quite protective of him. He is such a great person, that I found my admiration for him was overflowing in every converstation I had for almost two months. Now I feel incredibly silly for all of that, but he still means a great deal to me, and he kinda marks another turning point in my life. How weird/special is that?
Wouldn't it be amazing to be someone's turning point in life just for knowing them? Anyway...the weeks after being kicked out were hard. I even wrote an incredibly long poem called, "Is it wrong to year for heaven Lord?" on my way to basketball practice, although it was oral and I don't remember most of it. I was completley changed in that one moment. It made me realize that this world is NOT my home, and I have never felt at home here ever since. I constantly yearn for heaven, and it made me realize also how short life is. I'm 17 and I feel like i've wasted so much time. I want to fulfill my calling and love God with everything I do, and I can't thank him enough for what he's done for me my whole life and even this past year. I've never felt closer to him, and I don't think i've loved him this much ever! He is my all, my everything, my A to Z, and I hope you know him too!
The song, "Bring the Rain" is kinda my favorite song to sing during worship! It's so amazing, and I love the Lord so much.

Anyway, the whole point of this blog was to ask you to pray for me because tonight I'm going to talk to my mother about some stuff about her hatred of my church and to tell her how serious I am about following the Lord, and that I want her support. I know the price that comes with following him. It means giving my life to him. My hopes, my dreams, my family, my wants and desires, my fears, and that's what I want, but i realize that my hopes and dreams are not my own. that my parents have wanted things like that for me my whole life. So as you can imagine it's not going to be easy.

Anyway, I challenged you to Write a blog about what God has done for you. Good or bad. Trials or Triumphs. It's a wonderful thing to think about what God has done for you even if it's as small as getting a cheese dip jar open. God answers prayers no matter how small!

Monday, July 20, 2009


I heard this song on one of the hardest days of my life. (I mentioned it before, but I haven't yet posted it.) I just wanted to share with you how special this song is to us as Christians. The Bible calls us His Bride, and this song is what I love to call the "Divine Love Song".

"Love of my Life,
Look Deep in my Eyes,
There you will find what you need.
Give me Your Life,
The Lust and The Lies
And the past you're afraid I might see
You've been running away from me


Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need

I'm the giver of life
I'll clothe you in white
My immaculate bride you will be
Come running home to me


You've been a mistress, my wife
Chasing lovers that won't satisfy
Won't you let me make you my bride
You will drink of my lips and you'll taste new life


This song is by the band called Tenth Avenue North, and it really means a lot to me, because it one of the darkest moments of my young life it reminded me how much God loves me. I hope you hear the song, and are touched by the lyrics.


It get's on you and you can't get out. It's sticky and slimy, but somehow you keep coming back. It pulls, tugs, whispers, entices, seduces and destroys. It looks harmless. Just a little. It looks good. A little more. Before you know it your in it's tight grasp gasping for breath, but it continues to squeeze. You don't realize your choking, suffocating until it's to late. It has it's hold, and it won't give in. You look up. You see something, but before you can decipher what it is, your deadly captor blinds you. There you are, struggling, blind and dieing. When you finally realize what's going on you cry out for help. You cry out for anything and anyone, and then before you stands an blinding light. Suddenly, you aren't in the arms of the captor but the one who sets the captives free. You stand before him, and you look down at your body that was once writhing in unbelievable agony. It's perfect, spotless, smooth and sweet. Your free.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Deeper Concepts: God's "Perfect" Will

Alrighty, this blog will be something a little more deeper than just the salvation story. In this blog I will be speaking to what Paul in the Bible likes to call "spiritual men". Paul describes "Spiritual men" as christians, followers of Christ, who are ready to "spiritually" eat "solid food".
Now, I personally find myself craving "spiritual food" that has a little more substance then the normal children's Bible study stuff, but in all honesty I find myself taking that baby food one spoonful at a time, as well. I think the reason for my "stunted growth" if you will is because I was so wrapped up in my own torment for nearly 10 years of my life, in the depression, resentment, bitterness and guilt that came along with all of my saddness, that I have forgotten what the food of life had tasted like, and that because I was so used to my other life style that I can't just jump back into eating normal food. You can think of my esperience like this....Let's say there is a baby who eats baby food. They grow up a little everyday learning new things and they get stronger and sooner then later they start eating hardier foods, "solid foods". Well, let's say this baby begins to grow and it grows until it becomes a strong youthful child, but then something happens and this once strong child can no longer get the food and nourishment it needs and begins to wither. Their body begins to weaken, and they begin losing a lot of weight. They get food here and there over time, but it's not enough to sustain them. Weeks, months, years go by like this. This child continues to grow but it is a broken growth. The child grows into a teenager, but instead of a beautiful strong and glorious young adult you see a weathered beaten weak creature before you.
That's how my spiritual life went. I started off strong as a child, but then circumstances got in the way, and without even realizing it I was being deprived of my food source. I was living on almost nothing for 3 years, and then little by little I recieved food. It finally came to a point where it was my decision to receive nourishment, whether my parents realized it or not, and I took it. I could live like that anymore, and now even though I am seen to be wise and intelligent I know how truly weak I am. There are times I have questions that seem like they come from a chlid, but they are questions I have forgotten the answer to. They are morsels of food I haven't tasted since my spiritual childhood. I hope this was a clear analogy. If not I'll write a better one, because it only just hit me that some people might not understand the concept.

Anyway, on to my actual subject. Now, for those of you have grown up in the church, have entered some sort of Bible college or have spoken to a preacher about some sort of life drama or tragedy you might have heard them utter this phrase, "It's all in God's will". Now, I'm sure if you've heard this after a huge tragedy like 9-11 or your own personal tragedy (ex. family memeber's death) you have probably had a few questions about their meaning.
As, I have heard them explain after a moment of outrage by a few people saying, "How can my suffering, their suffering, suffering of anykind be God's will?"
Good question is it not? Well, the preacher/spiritual wiseman/Man of God usually answer with this, "Well, it's not God's perfect will."
I don't know about you, but that didn't really answer any questions I had about what they said. Well, after asking at least a handful of these preachers/wisemen/Men of God I finally met someone who would explain the concept. For some reason, if your a child lets say 4-14 people don't like answer questions that are "beyone your comprehension". (which to me is like a slap in the face cause you just leave me in ignorance instead of at least giving me an overview of what you said. If it's beyond my comprehension why would you use a concept like this in the first place. If your going to speak to a child as if they're a child then please do so from start to finsish.)
Anyhoo, one man finally sat me down and explained they whole concept. (He was my Bible teacher) Apparently, there is a theory, a widely used theory, that God has a "perfect" will, and a "non-perfect" will. Now, they use the story of Creation to show this theory.
God created the universe. When He created the universe He had a "perfect" will for it. That His Creation would live in harmony, love, peace, hope and everything God had in store for them, but due to the fall of man and the entrance of sin into the world Everything was corrupted. God's perfect will was no more, and His "non-perfect" will was born. So the basic idea of God's "perfect" will and his "non-perfect" will is that since God's will was broken so He developed a new will. In this case of Creation, the "non-perfect" will was His sending Jesus on the cross to die for the sins of the world and granting life to us all.
Now I know it's kinda a hard concept to grasp, especially as a "baby christian", but after this explanation it made sense. It's reasonably, it's logical. There are no loop holes, and eventhough it isn't the easiest thing to hear after you've lost a loved one it does overall make sense.
However, If you have ever heard the saying, "God's ways are higher than our ways..." now would be good time to address it. Since I haven't found a scripture that says this principle, granted maybe not in the same wording, I will assume for now that it's not in the Bible. Therefore, it would make this widely used and accepted principle to be "the reasoning of Man".
At first glance that wouldn't be a big deal except the Bible does say this.

"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, 'He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS';
-1 Corinthian 3:19-20

So, I'm not saying it's wrong. It could be right, but don't be surpirsed if it's realized one day, even if that day IS in heaven, that it was wrong. Or just a man's attempt to explain one facet of an Almighty, all-knowing God.

So, now that you have read my explanation and my own thoughts, I want to hear yours. So if you are a preacher/wiseman/Man of God who is more familiar with this concept, please don't hesitate to comment. I would love to understand it more, and if you have a verse that supports this principle by all means post it! I'd love to read it.
And if your just a reader who would like to have say or share a personal experience of yours, then please share it with me.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Meant to Live

We are meant for so much more than our just our lives. I often find myself caught up in "living life" that I forget that I'm not meant for this world that nothing in this world is worth living for. I get caught up in wanting to fit it, in wanting to be able to say the right thing, to not be looked upon like a freak for thinking of things that few or no one ever thinks about. I get caught up in my dreams and aspirations that I'm sure if I really wanted them and asked God for them he could bless me with, but then I think what is my REAL purpose?
I mean, yeah, I could got and do all those things that I want to do. There's nothing unholy about them if I kept God the focus of them, but would it have the same impact as what God wants for me. Ever since I was little it has been abundantly clear to me that I was made for something important. We all are, but for me it just seemed like more of a reality. It was brought to my attention if you will. It possessed my thoughts and prayers as a child. I just wanted to know what God wanted me to do so I could do it, and honestly there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that when God finally told me I would go and do it. But no that I'm older it's not so much that I don't want to do it, because I do. It's just that I still don't know what it is, and because I was so far from the Lord's will for so many years of my life I'm not as secure in knowing His voice. I also see things in my life that I could use toward glorifying my Lord, but I do realize that I am at a cross roads in my life. I'm only 17, but the decisions I make here impact the rest of my life. If I go to college I could miss my purpose. If i don't I could miss it. I'm surrounded by questions that I don't have the answer to. I don't want to miss out on what I've been blind to for the majority of my life.
I've come through a lot over the last year. Hearing the Voice of God and finally giving up something that has tormented me and plagued me for nearly 10 years of my life. Hearing His Voice and joining the church He called me to. Dealing with the outrage and denial of my family after joining said church. Struggling and fighting through the mental, spiritual and emotional anguish of seeing my parents not only despise but hate the place and people I have come to know and love. Surviving the threats of being thrown out on my own, the purple face of my angry father and the loss of abandonment when he finally kicked me out of my house. But most importantly, I have got to see the Hand of God move in my life so many times in this past year that I want Him to keep moving. I know it hurts, and that there are things that will bring me pain but I know it's not God whose hurting me. It's me! He has removed so much of me in this last year, and has replaced and repaired the emptiness with Himself. HOW CAN I BE EVEN LOOKED AT LET ALONE BE SO LOVED BY THE ALMIGHTY?! He continues to love me everyday, and I don't know how He does it. His ways are truly higher than our ways! He loves me! He is by very definition LOVE! I'm sitting here as I type crying because I am so moved. I LOVE HIM! more than any words could ever describe. Every time something broke down, crashed and burned He was there to fix it. All those nights I cried because of how my parents treated me after church, He was there with me. He made it worth all the pain and suffering just to get a glimpse of true fellowship with His children every Wednesday night. When I was facing a night on the street, He provided me with friends who literally fought over the next week who'd i'd stay with. He has surrounded me with His love and people who love me. I have never felt more safe inmy life then when I felt like I was going to lose everything. I never felt closer to Him until I literally said to Him, "You're all I need. You told me you'd be all I need and that you'd provide for me no matter what. I'm fixin to need a LOT of help Lord, but I'm ready and I love YOU!"
I was in so much pain, but I was still so excited to see what He'd do. I don't remember what the point of this blog was, but it turned out to be a mini testimony. This if you can believe it is only one year in my wonderfully touched story. I think the point of this blog was to say that were meant to live for somthing so much more than our lives. We get glimpses here and there that remind us of who and what were dealing with. This was just one of mine.

I hope and pray I learn what my purpose is. If your wondering about the same thing, then write me a comment about it. If you think/know what your purpose given to you by God is then PLEASE tell me! I want to know the ups, downs, pros, cons, joys and sorrows that come with continuously beholding and truly loving the Almighty! =]

Behind The Scenes

Okie Dokey! I wrote this passage a LONG time ago in like a 10 or 20 minute writing session. I was in my english class, and my teacher told us a writing exercise. You sit down at your desk you think of an idea, and you write somthing all in one sitting. Well, for some reason the idea of a school shooting was on my mind. I think it was because I dreamed of a girl shooting people at my school/church a few months before. (it really was one of the most terrifying nights of my life, especially because some of my dreams come true) Anyhoo, I got the urge to write, and when I finally sat down this is what happend. Well, close to this has been edited just a little bit, but still a really LONG time ago. I hope you enjoy it. It really feels close to my heart, and I have been told that the emotions feel quite real, so in the even that what I have been told is true. Strap yourself in! It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Kim walked sluggishly down the hallway, bumping into people she had never met. Three years at this highschool, she should know most of them. They were people she walked past everyday. The same faces in the crowd, filled with worry about their grades or about trouble at home. Penelope had always been her crutch. She was the only friend she ever had since grade school. They had met in 4th grade. Kim had always been the outcast, but Penelope had been a shining light amongst the darkness. She was the only one who greeted Kim in their old school. She was the only one to take time out to care about her.
Those memories pierced Kim's heart like a double-edged sword. She fought back tears as she hurried to the girl's bathroom. The memory of screams flooded back into her mind. People were running, fighting for a way out. Kim slipped tossing her books across the floor as she fell to her knees, but it didn't stop those memories. The chaos in her mind began to increase with each passing second.
Kim reached for her neck. It wasn't there!
"NO!" whispered Kim.
She searched the floor frantically. Crawling and patting every square inch of the tile.
"The necklace, the necklace..." whispered Kim. "No, NO!"
Kim began to cry as she searched, "WHERE IS IT? no, no, no, no."
A boy came over to try to calm her down, but as soon as he touched her, the most horrible memory of all came flooding into her mind.
He had had a mask, but she would never forget that voice. He had grabbed her arm and flung her across the room knocking her head against the wall. She remembered the blood trickling down her face and the gun pointed at her. The thoughts of that day swirled inside her head, then she remembered the gunshot.
For a few seconds, her mind was a cold empty pit, but then Penelope's dead body flashed before her eyes. The intense emotion that flooded back was more than she could handle.
Kim snapped back into reality to the words of the boy, "It's ok. Calm down."
Kim's eyes were dull and cold, her face was pale. The boy reached for her arm again, but she moved and pushed herself against the wall.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!" she screamed. "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Kim pulled herself into a tight ball as she tried to block out those horrible memories, but the images kept flashing before her eyes.
Teachers came running into the hallway trying to calm the frantic student.
Then a young man came running down the hallway. He pushed his way through the crowd that had formed. He grabbed her hand and pushed something into them.
Kim's scream caught in her throat. The feel of the cool metal in her hands brought back the tears, but it had stopped her screams. She opened her hands to find the necklace. The beautiful silver flashed in the sunlight. She clutched it next to her heart as the nurse gently coaxed her off the floor.
Before she walked off she turned and whispered, "Thank you, Rueben."
He nodded his head to her as she walked off.
Rueben had been down the hallway when he had heard her scream. Immediately he knew it was the necklace. It was the only thing she had that tied her back to reality. Without it the horrifying memories invaded, he had seen it happen twice before, but this time had been the worst.
The bell rang and all the teachers and students picked up their things and hurried off to their classes. Rueben swung his backpack over his shoulder and walked down the long hallway toward the nurses office. His only hope was that they would let Kim stay in school. "Only one more week," he thought. "One more week and it'll be summer."

I often times want to add to this and give it a more happier ending, but I realized not to long after writing it that the purpose of this passage isn't to give a wonderfully constructed story. It's purpose was to make the audience FEEL the pain and mental anguish. To realize that there's more than just the outside. There's more going on "Behind the Scenes". So, if you wish there was a happier or more fulfilling ending. You're not the only one! I wish it to, but I was in such a different place in my life when I wrote it that I honestly don't know how to even begin. Perhaps, one day I'll write a continuation of Kim's story, because I think she deserves her redemption. I guess you'll just have to wait and see. =]

Smellin' Coffee

"I'm sitting here in this quiet coffeehouse just soaking in the day. I'm watching the people walking in and out going about their lives. And I'm struck by the realization that I am one in a sea of people. One breath in a pool of air. I am so insignificant in the broad picture, but then I remember that I am beautifully and wonderfully made. The maker of the stars care about the "insignificance" of my life. the little things that bother me he cares enough to listen and answer. When I call out his name he hears me. Amongst all the chaos of the day he listens to the chaos of my mind. He's the Creator of life. He's the builder of the universe. He's the glue that keeps the human body together. (Laminin, go ahead look it up) He's my anything and everything. Not only that, he's yours he's their's. The people that are walking across getting their incredibly complicated drinks, he is theirs. He is amazing, awe-inspiring and astounding. I have one question for you, the reader. Do YOU know him?"

Okay, so this is a little excerpt from what will become a longer piece ( i think). Well, except for the last couple of sentences. I don't remember how long ago it was I wrote it, but I posted it on one of my other blogs, and I decided it was worth transferring over here, as now this will be my only real blog. I don't really remember why I wrote, except that I was showing a girl I met this really long blog I had written about, at the time, THE single most hardest day of my life emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. Since then, unfortunately I have had to live through another day even worse than that one, a day that realized one of my deepest darkest and oldest fears. If you really want to know then I'll post it, but I don't feel like doting on the past anymore. I don't even want to read that old post again just because writing it was my closer, and every time I read it I have to relive it. I want to not focus on the pain I went through, but the strength I was given to push on and not only survive it but learn from it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mission Camp Video: Behind the Scenes

Alright this is the behind the scenes of the Mission Camp video I made for my church. So if you don't like all the editing/idea making process you probably should read this.
Okay, first off I got the idea after hearing all the wonderful stories/testimonies from the people who went on this particular mission trip to New Orleans. They spent a life-changing week amongst the squalor still left behind 4 years after this devastating Hurricane. I began just looking at the pictures on my friends' facebooks, but as i looked at these pictures I got kinda bored so I opened up my windows music player and began listening to the new CDs I got for my birthday. The first one up was Addison Road. The very first track on the album was a song called "This Could Be Our Day". I began again flipping through the hundreds of pictures on countless profiles, and as I continued I started noticing some of the pictures went with the song. What I like to call beautiful gems that film editors LOVE! Then, the idea hit me. I could make a video for them!
My original plan was to finish it in the first week, but even though there was literally hundreds of photos, there wasn't enough to put together a decent video. So over the next two weeks, i kept my eyes peeled for new uploads. I think the final count was around 500 to 600 photos in total. Maybe a hundred photos of all these were used, but ALL of them were carefully edited, cropped, and/or straightened. There was so much red eye that needed to be removed it wasn't even funny. Any way after all the photos were complete, I embarked on the first leg of my actual mission. Editing the video.
My first predicament was that I needed an intro to the video. How would I do it? The beginning of the song is thrust straight into the chorus, and then the second verse and there lied the problem. I didn't want to scare people straight out of the gate because the beginning is so dynamic, also I didn't want them to miss the first few words of the song. So, I devised a way to fix this problem. I would simply explain the need the church had gone to fulfill. So as you see in the end product the into is a history of the Hurricane Katrina. I used a black back ground so that the colored pictures would stand out more. I also chose a more vertical font, so that it would look better on the ease in and outs. I also used a few pictures of the Hurricane Katrina whether pictures to add some menacing effects, because Hurricane Katrina was so incredibly massive. I remember looking up "Hurricane Katrina devastation" and other similar searches to find these pictures. I think I saved in all about 50 pictures, but in the end I only used 3 or 4 for timing purposes. I also tripled the size of the word "struck" and ease in really hard and slowed it down for emphasis ( I almost put "stuck" in the video, but upon inspection near the end of the editing process I realized my mistake and thankfully fixed it). I think it took me 2 days to finally finish the intro. I was so excited, but i didn't realize i still had two weeks of editing left. (the music in the intro is a clip from the beginning of "Go Light Your World" by Chris Rice)
The actual video started off with the song "This Could Be Our Day" as I mentioned earlier. I was actually considering a few other songs, but do to their context I finally chose this one instead.
I decided to put the title of the song in it, so that it could tie the lyrics to the song. The reason I chose the pictures of the city was because I wanted a very real sense of them going in to the city, although i don't know if the city in these pictures are actually New Orleans. I put New Orleans in there because I wanted my audience to know that it was in fact New Orleans my church went to and not another Hurricane Katrina site. I chose the pictures of the kids in the buses because i wanted chronology to be a big factor in this video. I used a few group photos as an overall them throughout the video. If you notice all the group photos appear when the part of the song says "This Could Be Our Day", but i think towards the end I used Duos instead.
Upon reaching 24 or 25 seconds in I reached a problem. The first long music solo before the first verse. I didn't know how I was going to fill it, because I didn't want to use photos of people in the midst of the a long extended music. so thankfully I had come up with this idea during the editing process. I was messing around with the Contrast and Shadowing of one of the photos of the posters the kids made, and as I did so I like the effect of it progressively changing. The only way I was to accomplish this was to slowly create individual copies of the same picture with different effects. I had made another video about a year before this one called "The Many Faces of Frank" where I used similiar photos of this guy I knew, sped them up together and it made it look like he was moving, so I used the same idea here, but on a higher and more organized scale. So the 5 seconds of transition you see in the video is made up of approximately 40 to 50 separately edited and treated photos put together and sped up to make it look like the photo is progressively changing. Yes, it took a really long time to do, but I am extremely happy I stuck it out, and finished.
Also, during the photo editing craze, I came across some really beautiful scenic pictures of the places the kids visited. So I darkened a photos that one of the girls had taken of her and her friends in front of a massive church to make it look like it was at sunset, and then I used a wonderful photo that looked like a crime caught on film to go with the lyrics "Clearly it's time to make a change". Then I used the one photo of the people that went sitting down relaxing for the next lyric. I used the pixilation transition a few times throughout the video to signify a change that was made. First for the waiting, and another time from praying to actually moving. As we made our way back into the chorus I showed pictures of just the kids that the youth worked with to show the reason why they were there. The second time were in the chorus I used mainly the activities that were done. Like the puppet show, and worship. It was to show the two worlds meeting. The kids who are used to having everything and the kids who just love what ever they have left. You see the expressions on the NeO kids faces where there just full of pure joy and how it reflects onto the visiting youth. You really get a glimpse of this incredible tranisiton on the mission campers side in what is my favorite part of the video. When I saw these two photos I knew it would be perfect!
About 1:56-1:59 you see a HUGE change in the mission campers lives. They go from standing defensive with their arms crossed to raising their hands without shame. I absolutely love that part of the video.
You have no idea how hard it was to find a picture without the kids smiling in it, but I managed to find one for the lyric "heal the broken ones". The photo at 2:05-2:06 is one of my favorite of all of them I saw. It shows a great deal about the kids that went. They're all just bowed heads and prayer to our Heavenly Father and it truly is one of the best photos I've seen.
As we go into the 3rd chorus part I show them in the construction part of the trip. I know there we're a few more group projects of different things, but there weren't enough photos of those projects to be able to create it's own part in the chorus. I kinda stuck a photo in there for my own personal laugh, and if you really want to know I'll tell ya, but I don't think it's worth putting in this little commentary. I still think i coulda done this part of the video better, and there are a few parts throughout that grate on my nerves for not fixing it, but what's done is done.
After the end of the 3rd chorus we go into the bridge. The lyric "This Could Be Our Day" is repeated a few times, and I used a fade transition and alternated the ease in and outs on the photos to give a push and pull effect, as well as, a building up to climax.
2:48-2:50 is one of my favorite moments not only because of the lyrics, but also because of the visual comparision. You see a little girl upside down doing a handstand, and then you see two of the mission campers upside down, and in a way it unites them both. It gives them a sense of "giving themselves away" like the song says. I also used a picture of one of the little girls close up for the lines, "something beautiful" because they weren't there to make a house or renovate things although they did that, they were there to make a differnce in the lives of God's beautiful creation. The picture at 3:02 is one of my favorites because it is so visually interesting. You have kids on the otherside of the gate who seem like they can't get to the other side, and one of the little boys is trying to help but can't get it open then comes one of the campers, called to make a difference in these kids lives, and opens it for them.
The next few photos before the final chorus are cued specifically to the music. When we get to the part that says "I'm giving myself away" again, I use a fade in to black fade out to black transitions in order to make it sounds choppy like with the drums sound in the music. Then when the music slows down almost to a stop you see one of my favorite pictures at 3:29 with no effects just straight up picture, and then you almost like get hit between the eyes with the next one and the expressions on the faces of the girls. I intentionally kept a lot of the pictures at the beginning from being to happy or smiley so that it would be more rewarding to see all of it come together at the end of the trip. So in the last few pictures in the chorus you see a LOT of duos and groups of the campers with the kids smiling and having a great time so you can really see the change that's taken place in both of their lives. After the last chorus we get into what I call the "ooo's". It was really hard in coming up with an ending because I loved all the happiness and I wanted it to continue I had 40-50 more photos that I loved and wanted to put in, but I didn't have time to put them in. I had maybe 30 to 45 sec of song left and I needed to finish it out. So I ended it with a few pictures of the dorms and them packing up, or unpacking I'm not sure which, and them sleeping in the car. Most of these pictures probably occurred before they actually got to New Orleans, but it makes it a good ending to see the campers exhausted after a long roller coaster of a week emotions. So I closed this video off with a few reminescent photos of worship and New Orleans and the last thing you see is the "Mission Camp 2009" logo.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this commentary of my video. If you made it all the way to the end don't forget to tell me. I hope you enjoyed the insight into the joys and struggles of making this video. =]

Strange Observations: Hott

Okay, so I'm sure you have either seen or heard of a moment similar or exactly like the one I'm about to describe to you. Don't worry, it isn't that big of a deal. It's not life changing, or noteworthy, but it generally interested me.
I was sitting at a pool party at one of my friends houses, and i was talking to three of my friends. I'll call them Leif, Cher and Rae. I was talking to Rae when Leif came up. I introduced him to Cher and we were having an interesting conversation. All of a sudden I get a tap on my shoulder by this girl i know who kinda LOVES Leif, but will probably never tell him. (I don't know why, but for some reason every girl who likes Leif loves to tell me all about him. How cute, hott, handsome, gorgeous, nice, kind, sweet, gentlemanly, funny...etc...fill-in-the-blank he is. Which is fine he definitely is all those wonderful things. In all honesty he's probably one of the most attractive people I have ever met, but I like just being his friend. AND i kinda get annoyed when you can't even mention his name with some random girl spilling her guts about how incredibly dreamy he is. It's probably very similar to being friends with Brad Pitt.) Anyway, in the process of turning and saying, "hi" to her Leif apparently takes off his shirt to reveal his "amazing six-pack". I don't see a reaction from either her nor Rae who by the way likes him to, but she's not weird about it. When I turn back to say something to Leif, he is now in the pool. As soon as, he hits the water this girl who will be called Lea, somehow manages to swing to the other side of the table and sit down before I even know what's going on.
Lea continues to go on about how incredibly hott he is, and it was kinda getting on my nerves. She went on about, "How can someone be so hott?! He's ripped! When Leif was taking off his shirt I tried my best not to stare at him..." or something to that effect. I laughed because the last time we had been to this pool party, Rae had a hard time keeping her eyes off of Leif.
I find this particularly amusing, because I have never had to worry about not being able to take my eyes off of a guy. I've never seen it in action, and it kinda baffles me. But my biggest question is whether or not Leif knows the power he has over these girls, and/or if he realizes it doesn't even phase me. Pretty much every girl couldn't keep her eyes off him the whole night. Some were better at hiding it than others, and the whole scene was quite interesting to observe. But my question to you is....

Has this ever happened to you, or to someone you know? if so don't be afraid to comment. =]

Moment in Time

So, i just came from one of my friend's "welcome home from Ireland" party. She recently took a mission trip to the wonderful country across the pond, and her family threw her a welcome home party. (but that's beside the point)
In the midst of this extravaganza I realized how party accessible her house was. She has a HUGE drive way that could accommodate like 12 cars. A pool, a gazebo, a beautiful stone walkway surrounding the pool and house, a tree house, a swing set, a few beautiful benches placed near some rather extraordinary scenery and still have enough room in her actual backyard for at least a hundred people, although there weren't nearly that many people in attendance.
As i sat there and watched the guys throw unsuspecting girls into the pool and do their crazy dives into the pool, it almost seemed as if this house, this property, was purposed to take care of her and her family's partying needs. Like it was the true purpose for it's existence. It was wonderful watching all of the people who I have come to know and love over this last extremely hard year, and it made me silently thank God for not only giving me this time with them but for a wonderful house like Haley's. It was an odd moment. One of those, Stop and smell the roses moments. Where you come to a unique and/or rather weird realization and take it in all in one glorious moment. Where you become acutely aware of the true significance of people, places, or times in this crazy world.
It doesn't happen often, but when it does it makes you grateful to be alive, to be living, breathing, existing in this moment in time. One that probably won't be that memorable, but moments like these are what make living life GREAT!